Now let me begin by saying I’m not an expert on all things business. What I DO know, is what has worked tremendously for me and my business since I begin implementing it.

Let’s say you’re a realtor or a wedding planner or a personal trainer- how many other people are within your same niche? It’s probably a lot.

What else do all of these businesses have in common? They all require the clients to CONNECT with the person they’re hiring.

The key to standing out from the crowd in your market?

Personal marketing + branding.

Girl baking in a white farmhouse kitchen during a brand session in New Paltz, NY
Girl laughing in a white farmhouse kitchen during a brand session at Watergrasshill Bed + Breakfast in New Paltz, NY

You might be wondering “What is personal marketing + branding?”

Simply put, personal marketing is marketing that infuses YOUR personality into every aspect of your brand. 

That includes:

  • The look and feel of your brand
  • Your brand voice
  • The way you communicate with clients and potential clients
  • How you show up and what you share on social media

And so much more!

People crave real connection and with personal branding, you can do just that!

What is the purpose of personal marketing + branding?

The purpose is to connect with your audience. To put a face to the person behind the brand so that when someone chooses to work with you, they truly feel like they already know what to expect. And really, they’re choosing to work with you instead of another business owner in your field because they feel a connection to you and your personality.

Why is personal branding helpful?

Helps you stand out from the crowd - 

It shows people how your unique self can help a person looking to fill a need that they have in your niche. 

Repels and attracts ideal clients

When you’re infusing your personality into your business, not everyone is going to be attracted to it. That’s OK- and that’s what you want! You WANT to work with people who you connect with and who genuinely trust that you are the expect to help them. 

Builds trust

When people feel like they know you and what you stand for it allows them to let their guard down, encouraging them to work with you or recommend your services.

Calligraphy pen and nib laying next to an envelop during a brand session in the Hudson Valley of NY
Stationary designer holding a girl boss sign during a brand session in Hudson Valley, NY

What stands out in a saturated market?

Something DIFFERENT. That something different is YOU. There’s only on you and no one can replicate that!

What changes have I noticed in my own business since I’ve implemented personal branding?

-More ideal clients who I truly connect with

-Clients who see photography as an important investment in their family’s legacy 

-Relationships that last beyond just one photo session

-Clients who fully trust me as their photographer

What did I change in my business?

These changes have happened overtime but two of the biggest things I’ve changed are:

-The words I used.

I stopped being so formal and started talking like myself. I now emojis in my emails and less-formal wording and now. Tasks like emails with clients and captions on social media don’t feel like such a big task because I’m just being myself!

-Showed more of myself.

I stopped only talking about business and I began sharing little parts of my life. I still don’t share everything, but I do let people in and share things like some big life things that happen in my personal life and being a mom. Things my ideal clients can relate to! So many people relate to real-life things and that has helped people really connect with me on more than just a surface-level because I’m showing I’m human just like everyone else!

Woman laughing and smiling in a blue dress during a branding session in Red Hook, NY

There are sooo many people trying to create their own businesses and it’s your job to figure out how you can set yourself a part from the crowd. I believe that personal branding is a HUGE way to help you grow your business and set yourself up for success!

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These tips will be super helpful in creating beautiful memories for in your personal life + help you get started with personal branding in your business!

Grab the FREE guide here: Download 10 tips for better phone photos!