Let's talk about minis!

There's so much that can be said about mini sessions and not every photographer does them the same. In this blog, I'm breaking down everything you need to know from the difference between a mini session and a full session, who mini sessions are for, and the benefits of having a mini session.

Keep reading for all the details!

What Is the Difference Between a Mini or Petite Session and

a Full Session?

Session length.

Typically a full session ranges from about an hour to sometimes even two hours. Mini + Petite sessions usually range from 15-20 minutes. My mini sessions are usually 15 minutes from start to finish, while Petites can range from 15-20 minutes. Say hello to enjoying the rest of your day!

Number of images

The number of images that are included with a mini + petite sessions are less than a full session. Mini Sessions include 5 digital images., Petites include 10. My full sessions include either 15 images or a full gallery, depending on the collection you choose. 

Set day.

Since mini sessions are scheduled back-to-back, they're always scheduled on a set day. That means there will be a few time slots on one (or two) days that you can choose from to have your session. Where as full sessions can be scheduled on which ever day fits both your availability and the photographer's availability.

Set location.

For a full session, you get to choose the location for your session, allowing you to personalize your session. With a mini session, the location is already chosen for you, by the photographer (me!).

The price.

Now since the session time is shorter and the number of images that are included are less, and the time of our session is less, that means the price point is also LESS! Mini + Petite sessions can save you money, especially if you like having more than one session per year.

What is included in a DLP mini session?

-15 Minute Session

-DLP Experience Guide With:

What to Expect Before, During + After, Style Guide, Photo Session Prep Tips + Tricks

-3-5 Digital Images

-Online Photo Gallery for Downloading, Viewing + Sharing images

-Photo Print Release

What is included in a DLP petite session?

-15-20 Minute Session

-DLP Experience Guide With:

What to Expect Before, During + After, Style Guide, Photo Session Prep Tips + Tricks

-10 Digital Images

-Online Photo Gallery for Downloading, Viewing + Sharing images

-Photo Print Release

Who are mini + petite sessions for?

A lot of times when you hear mini-session, you think of families. But I'm here to tell you that a mini-session can be for ANYONE! Cue the confetti cannon emojis! Here's a few suggestions for who a mini-session could work for:


-Couples (Think anniversary session, a new pet session, or just for fun!)


-Business Owner Looking for Updated Headshots

Benefits of a mini or petite-session:

  • Short on time? This is perfect if you'd like a session but just don't have the time to commit to a full hour-long session.
  • A mini is a great way to “test” out a photographer before you commit to a full session investment.
  • Minis are perfect for families or couples who like to have multiple photo sessions per year (like spring photos and holiday photos).
  • And this may be one of the best reasons- they cost less than a full session!

Now, how do I get all the photos we need in 15-20 minutes?

Client questionnaire. I have a client questionnaire that all of my families fill out before-hand and this really helps give me some good inside scoop on the little ones we'll be meeting at our session.

Shot list. Another thing that really helps keep us on track is that I have a list of specific groupings that we check off along the way. That ensures we don't miss a photo!

My awesome assistant! The third and most valuable trick I have is my assistant Trish! Together we make a great team that's able to work together to help us all have a fun + memorable session!

Choosing the Right Session

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Think about what you truly want:

Are you looking to quickly update your family photos (For example: Holiday cards) or are you looking for more of a storytelling experience to truly preserve the season you’re currently in?

  • Time availability:

How much time do you have? Is your schedule busy? Can you only fit photos into a short window of time? Or do you have a more flexible schedule? 

  • Budget:

Full sessions begin at a higher price point than Petite sessions or Mini sessions because of the longer session length, larger final galleries and a more personalized step-by-step photo session experience.

  • Amount of images:

Think about how many images you’d like from your session. Are you someone who enjoys a full gallery or are you content with a few images from a session? A Mini and Petite sessions include a smaller number of images included as well as a smaller final gallery, while a full session gives you a larger final gallery collection and will often times include a full gallery instead of having to choose favorites.

Family of four smiling during a Fall Family Session at a Hudson Valley Winery

Now that you've heard all about mini sessions, you have all the info you need to decide if mins are the right fit for you, your family, or your business.

Ready to book a Fall Petite Session of your own?

Click below to learn more about this year's Fall Petite Sessions!!

Looking for some outfit inspiration for your next mini or full session? Check out this blog post HERE with all the inspo you'll need to get those ideas flowing!

Hudson Valley, NY Maternity Photography
Hudson Valley, NY Family Photography
Hudson Valley, NY Family Photography
Hudson Valley Mini Sessions, Hudson Valley Photographer

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