It's not lost on me that family photography is SUCH a valuable gift. With each year that passes, your photos increase more in value to your family. Why is that? It’s because our family is constantly changing. The way we look changes, the season of life we’re in changes and the moments + experiences we have gone through ultimately changes us year after year, day after day.

I hear this a lot:

"Why would I pay money for someone to take photos of me? I can just use my phone or have a friend take them for free."

Now listen, I totally get it. Trust me I do. I was in the same boat, especially since I'm a professional photographer myself and I do this for a living.

Photography may seem like a luxury especially when cell phones can do a pretty good job with taking a photo these days!

Let me be honest. I didn't feel like spending the money at first either. When my son was born I took some newborn photos myself. I thought “I’m a photographer, I can totally do this!” And yes, I was fully capable of taking photos. BUT the thing is, I didn't do that great of a job.

Don't get me wrong I have TONs of beautiful newborn photos of him. But that's just it.

I jipped myself on the full experience of a photo session.

I rushed the session since I was still recovering from a c-section, I didn’t plan it out at all when it came to outfits, I really only took photos of just my son, and I didn't edit a full gallery since I was...exhausted. 

Mother and daughters dressed in earth tones during a family session in New Paltz, NY
Family of 5 smiling dressed in earth tones during a fall family session in the Hudson Valley of New York

What changed for me?

Things changed for me the moment we had our very first family session and it hit me hard. Having a professional take care of everything was so VALUABLE. Even more than I already knew! So why did I wait so long?! I didn't fully realize what I was missing.

When you decide to have family photos taken, you’re not just choosing to have a professional take the stress off your plate for your holiday photos, you’re also choosing to create beautiful family heirlooms. You're choosing an experience.

You know those old photos your grandparents have form generations ago that you “ooh and ahhh“ over? THAT is what we’re creating during each session. We’re creating and preserving your family legacy. 

Here’s 6 of my top reasons why family

photography is so important:

1. Captures memories:

Family photography captures important moments and memories that you can look back on and cherish for years to come. As families grow and change, these photos are the sweetest reminder of the milestones and memories that were shared together during that season of life.

2. Preserves family history:

Family photographs are essentially a visual record of your family history (AKA family heirlooms!). They can be passed down from generation to generation, preserving your family's legacy and allowing future generations to connect with their roots.

3. Brings your family closer:

Although not everyone will probably be super excited to take these photos, taking family photographs can be a fun and meaningful experience that brings you and your family closer together! A Family session gives you all a chance to spend time together, create memories, and while we photograph the love and togetherness you share.

4. Celebrate milestones:

Family photographs can be taken to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, graduations, anniversaries etc. These photographs are the perfect reminder of these special moments and they deserve to be preserved!

5. You have an invaluable resource for your session: My clients receive a full experience guide filled with tips and tricks to help them prepare fo their session and a style guide with plenty of suggestions to help you choose your outfits. I'm here for you to bounce ideas off of to help you narrow down the perfect choice for your session! I also help you choose a location (if you don't already have one in mind!) by providing a location guide that includes a full list of locations that have been tested and scouted to ensure they're a great fit for any session! 

6. You get to take a break:

A photographer does all of the heavy lifting during a photo session! It's our job to ensure we're photographing all of the moments you're looking for, while you just enjoy your family.

Remember, these memories are ones that you will carry with you throughout your life, display in your home , and one day will be a part of your grandchildren's life. That's something I value SO much.

To learn more about my sessions,

click HERE to learn more about working together!

THANK YOU for reading!
