Photo sessions are one of the BEST experiences I’ve had with my little family. So I want to be sure that you can say the same when you look back on these memories with your family. In order to do that it takes a little planning, and while I know as much as any mama how plans can change, it doesn’t hurt to be as prepared as possible to ensure you have a stress-free and fun session!

This is exactly why I have a session packing list just for you! This is a list of items that you might want to bring along to help ensure your session goes as smooth as possible!

But first…here are a few tips to help you get ready for your session!

Extended family smiling during a Hudson Valley, NY family session with Danielle Lauren Photography in Red Hook, NY

Tips to prepare for your Hudson Valley family session:

  • Plan your outfits in advance
  • Start by choosing a color palette for your outfits
  • Choose mom’s outfit first, then plan each family member’s around mamas!
  • Pick a location that fits the look you’re going for.
  • Chat with your little ones about the session a few days in advance. This will prep them since we know how little ones like to know what’s coming next!

Now onto the packing list!

What to pack for your family session:

  • Extra clothes, as parents we know how accidents can happen!

  • Wipes. Because anything can happen...

  • Favorite toy/stuffed animal, just in case your little one needs some extra comfort. If possible, avoid anything with bright colors…justtt in case we have to include them in our photos!

  • A small snack + water, no one likes to be hangry. Be sure to pick something drier that doesn't leave spots and stains.

  • Bug spray, during the Spring + Summer.

  • A neutral blanket, just in case you’d like to sit and aren’t comfortable sitting on the grass or in case the grass is wet!

Two brothers and a sister smelling flowers during a family session in the Hudson Valley with Danielle Lauren Photography

I hope this list was helpful for your family! My goal is to guide you along every step of the way. Photo sessions don’t have to be stressful, and that’s what I’m here to do!

If you’re looking for some tips on how to choose your outfits for your next photo session, you’ll LOVE my FREE style guide. 

It’s filled with tips for picking your outfits, color inspiration and shopping recommendations! You can grab the guide HERE.