Tell me, do you like having your photo taken?

Do you avoid being in front of the camera by either hiding in the background of a group shot or just having pictures of your kids taken? Does the thought of a photo session make you a little nervous?

I can’t tell you how many times I hear how people wait for a certain milestone to take pictures (or worse don’t have pictures taken at all!) because they just can’t get over the fear of being in front of a camera. I totally get it! It can be a little overwhelming and nerve-wraking.

I’m over here raising my hand because I definitely can relate to not always being a fan of having my photo taken BUT! Life is WAY too important to avoid pictures! We need to be IN the pictures, especially as parents, instead of behind the camera. One day when we’re older photos will be all we’re going to have left of our life memories and you’ll be so thankful that you had that season of life captured!

It's also important if you're a business owner or senior in high school or college, to be able to show the world who YOU truly are. Portraits are a great way to share that!!

Here are my TOP 3 ways to help you feel comfortable and confident at your next photo session:

  1. Get to know your photographer. It is SUPER important to get to know your photographer before you decide to book with them. Getting to know your photographer KEY to being more confident and comfortable during your photo session. Your relationship with your photographer is HALF of the entire experience (and sometimes even counts for more!). If you and your photographer don’t vibe well, you’re more likely to remember your not so fun experience and even if you have beautiful photos.
  2. Wear something you feel totally comfortable in. If you're not comfortable in your outfit, it will totallyyy show in your photos. Choose something that fits well, colors that you normally wear/are drawn to and make sure it’s totally YOU! If you’re looking to try and step out of the box with your outfit, try it on ahead of time! Walk around the house in it and snap a few quick cell phone pictures to really see how it looks and feels on you. By trying it out ahead of time you’re giving yourself plenty of time to be able to decide if this is the outfit for your session. Above all be sure to wear something you feel AMAZING in, to help you completely rock your session! Need a little more help in the style department? Grab my FREE style guide here to help you get started!
  3. Embrace the awkward! So let’s be honest, it’s just not a usual thing to be a lovey-dovey in a field with someone with a camera all in your face LOL or to be posing for a photo by yourself (hello senior portraits!). Let me let you in on a little secret...the first 10-20 minutes of your session will be a littleee awkward. But once you’ve embraced the awkwardness, we’ve chatted a bit and have gone through some poses, just know it WILL get better and you will be a total PRO! Trust me.

And there you have it! Those are my top 3 tips to help you have a great session! I hope you found these tips helpful. If you’d like to connect with me more you can follow along on Instagram @daniellelaurenphotography or Facebook at Danielle Lauren Photography.

Thanks so much for reading!

Hey, Hey!

I'm Danielle! The chocolate and dance-loving, Mama, Wife, and Photographer behind Danielle Lauren Photography. Thank you for hopping over to my little slice of the internet! You can check out more blog posts below.

Hudson Valley Family and Wedding Photographer, Danielle Lauren Photography