Ok, first things first, what IS an anniversary session?

Ok, first things first, what actually IS an anniversary session? An anniversary session is a session you have to celebrate an anniversary, from dating anniversaries all the way up to 60+ years of marriage each year with that special someone is one to be remembered!

An anniversary session is basically like an engagement session. I capture you and your partner together in various poses and if you’ve been married for a bit and have made some updates to your rings, I can even capture those details too!

These sessions are a great chance to reconnect with your partner, and maybe even capture the wedding photos you might have never had the chance to have.

So now, let’s get to how to turn this session into something amazing!

1. Choose an amazing location!

Now amazing can mean different things for different people. Maybe your home is something that’s super special to the two of you and you want to pay tribute to this accomplishment or you want to go to the highest mountain and take some of the most epic photos you’ve ever seen. Whatever that might look like for you as a couple, be sure to take your time when choosing your location because location has a huge impact on the final look and feel of your photos.

Man kissing woman on cheek during a couples session in New Paltz, NY with Danielle Lauren Photography

2. Make it a date night!

This is especially important if you are parents (because how often do we have date nights these days, am I right?!). Catch a movie or go out for a special dinner and dessert after your session. Dress up a little more fancier than usual and treat yourselves to a date! This is a day to celebrate YOU + your relationship, so make it fun.

Same sex couple smiling and holding hands during an engagement session in Beacon, NY with Danielle Lauren Photography

3. Create a playlist.

Tell me some of your favorite songs! Songs that remind you of each other, songs you danced to on your wedding day - songs that make you feel like you’re in a movie! Once you've chosen some I'll add them to a playlist and we'll listen to it throughout your session. This will totally help set the tone for the sweetest session you’ve ever had and also breaks the ice a little.

Man kisses woman's cheek smiling during an anniversary session in Gardiner, NY with Danielle Lauren Photography

Remember, these are photos your grandkids or even great grand kids are going to love admiring. You’re preserving your legacy and celebrating the life you have created together. And believe me, that’s something to be CELEBRATED!

I hope this was helpful and that it has you considering an anniversary session in the near future for you and your partner!

Wanna chat with me? Send me a message here!